Sigma Chains, Dual Mining Reimagined: Trustless Pegs, Collateral Delays, and Smart Contracts
Random idea posting is the new shitposting.
Less boring, rough around the edges, and slightly retarded at times… But at least exploring new ideas is better than stale regurgitation of the same marketing. Tired of that in crypto.
Cross-chain emission to other miners is similar to the idea of airdropping rewards for users but is something that is hardened to being gamed.
It opens frontiers to new hardware, adds energy to a network constellation, and lays the ground for a new contractual standard for Proof of Work.
Why target high-end GPUs I don’t know why not. I have not seen that type of hardware have an algorithm specialized for PoW. But the net idea should be to simply chase hardware and energy that can be reused, recycled, or load-balanced to create digital money.
Rough Algo Creation is here.
Supercluster computing, powered by AI-grade GPUs like the Nvidia H100, can extend its utility beyond AI into proof-of-work (PoW) mining as hardware ages. Picture a blockchain — call it the TensorHash chain — running Ergo’s Sigma computational layer, pegged trustlessly to the Ergo blockchain, and integrating Lithos Protocol’s collateralization. This convergence unlocks a smart contract-based dual mining system, where supercluster-scale mining supports emissions to Ergo’s Autolykos2 miners, managed by fees from collateralized block delays. Far less about a single algorithm, this is a framework for synergy: industrial-scale PoW on one chain, home miner rewards on another, united by trustless mechanics and smart contracts. Below are the rough creation steps imagined for this system.
Why This Convergence Works
This system leverages proven concepts to bridge supercluster and home mining:
- Trustless Pegs:
Ergo’s Sigma layer — non-interactive, zero-knowledge proofs — enables a two-way peg between the TensorHash chain and Ergo. Assets lock on one chain and mint on the other, verified cryptographically, eliminating intermediaries. - Collateralized Block Delays:
Lithos Protocol’s collateralization lets supercluster miners lock block rewards temporarily, using smart contracts to extract fees. This funds cross-chain operations without centralized custodians. - Smart Contract Dual Mining:
Programmable contracts (via Sigma) distribute emissions from supercluster mining to Ergo miners, creating a dual mining ecosystem where both scales contribute and benefit, unified by Autolykos2’s PoW heritage.
This trio — pegs, delays, and contracts — forges a decentralized, scalable mining synergy.
Creation Steps for the Dual Mining System
Step 1: Establish Trustless Pegging with Sigma
- Process: Build the TensorHash blockchain with Ergo’s Sigma computational layer, enabling a trustless two-way peg to Ergo.
- How:
- Deploy Sigma smart contracts on both chains to lock TensorHash chain rewards (e.g., native tokens) and mint corresponding assets on Ergo, redeemable via proofs.
- Use Sigma’s cryptographic verification (e.g., state proofs) to ensure trustless transfers.
- Code Example:
// Simplified Sigma contract (ErgoScript) { val lockedBox = SELF // TensorHash chain box val proof = getVar[Coll[Byte]](0).get // Proof from Ergo chain sigmaProp(verifyProof(proof) && lockedBox.value >= emissionAmount) }
- Why: Links supercluster-scale TensorHash mining to Ergo’s Autolykos2 ecosystem trustlessly.
- Check: Test peg on testnet, confirm asset locking and minting across chains.
Step 2: Integrate Collateralized Block Delays with Lithos
- Process: Adapt Lithos Protocol’s collateralization to delay TensorHash block rewards, generating fees.
- How:
- Supercluster miners submit blocks to a Lithos contract, locking rewards (e.g., 100 GC/block) for a delay (e.g., 10 blocks, ~100s).
- Release collateral and rewards post-delay, minus fees.
- Code Example:
// Simplified Lithos contract { val minerCollateral = INPUTS(0).value val delayHeight = HEIGHT + 10 sigmaProp(minerCollateral >= feeAmount && HEIGHT < delayHeight) }
- Why: Fees from delayed blocks sustain the system without external funding.
- Check: Test collateral lock/release, verify fee extraction on testnet.
Step 3: Enable Smart Contract-Based Dual Mining
- Process: Design Sigma smart contracts to emit rewards from TensorHash to Ergo miners.
- How:
- Contracts on TensorHash chain allocate a portion of block rewards (e.g., x%) for emission.
- Fees from collateral delays (e.g., 5 GC/block) pay for bridge operations and emission costs.
- Pegged tokens transfer trustlessly to Ergo, distributed to Autolykos2 miners.
- Code Example:
// Simplified emission contract { val superclusterReward = SELF.value val emissionShare = superclusterReward / 5 // 20% val feePaid = INPUTS(1).value >= bridgeFee sigmaProp(feePaid && emissionShare > 0) }
- Why: Creates dual mining — superclusters mine TensorHash, home miners mine Autolykos2, both rewarded.
- Check: Test emission distribution, confirm supercluster-to-Ergo reward flow.
Step 4: Optimize Cross-Chain Mechanics
- Process: Refine pegging, collateralization, and emissions for stability.
- How:
- Test Sigma proofs for peg efficiency (e.g., latency <1 minute).
- Adjust delay period (e.g., 5–20 blocks) and fee rates based on network load.
- Why: Ensures seamless operation across chains and scales.
- Check: Log peg success, fee collection, and emission consistency.
Step 5: Deploy and Extend with Programmable Emissions
- Process: Launch the TensorHash blockchain, integrate dual mining use case.
- How:
- Deploy Sigma peg, Lithos collateral, and emission contracts.
- Use Case: Programmable emission contracts distribute money to people — e.g., supercluster miners emit x% of rewards to Ergo miners or public wallets, funded by collateral fees.
- Test supercluster-scale deployment with Ergo miners.
- Why: Validates the system, enables equitable reward sharing.
- Check: Testnet confirms block times, cross-chain emissions, and fee mechanics.