What’s Going On Behind The Screens: Ergo Weekly Dev Update April 11th

2 min readApr 11, 2021

Alex Chepurnoy was recently appointed Secretary of Tech for the Ergo Foundation. A part of his role is going to be providing weekly updates on Ergo Ecosystem Developments.

ErgoSwap Dex

Developers this week are focused primarily on delivering the Decentralized Exchange ErgoSwap later this year. Many of the multi-stage contracts for ErgoSwap are ready, as always they are open and viewable EIP-14.

Many components of Ergo’s Decentralized Exchange have already been built. The goal is to take all the pieces and assemble them behind a user-friendly interface.

Later this week an updated roadmap for ErgoSwap is due to be released.

Ergo Gravity Partnership

Cross-chain gateways with Gravity are being developed by mhs-sam. Contracts for Nebula and Gravity are published on Github.

Gravity is written in Golang. Ergo is written in Scala. In order to provide functionality, communication, and offchain logic, a Gravity_Ergo_Proxy is being built in Scala.

This proxy will reside between gravity and ergo node and provide seamless integration between the two networks.

Functionalities required by Gravity will be added gradually. Ergo is a proud member of the Gravity network, this partnership is something that will grow and develop as both ecosystems evolve.

Ledger Support

The Ergo Foundation has contracted a small company to build ledger support. The contract has been agreed upon by both parties. We hope Ledger integration should be completed in 3 months. Watch for updates.

Ergo Next Update

In the next update expect information on the development of Wallets, The Yoroi Wallet DApp Bridge, Ergo Node Development, and Ongoing Research.

