What’s Going on Behind the Screens: Ergo Weekly Dev Update June 9th
We are approaching ErgoHACK!!!
It will start at 09:00 UTC on Discord
With the recent release of Node 4.0.12 Ergo is reaching the point where it is time to start a shift to the next phase of on-chain development.
The Ergo team is excited to welcome all the new Dev’s and community members who are participating. Picking up a new language and framework may take some time and commitment, we appreciate you sharing this journey with us.
I think a good measure of a decentralized community is the willingness to educate and pass down wisdom and experience. A special thanks to all the devs who have offered their time and knowledge being mentors.
I hope in time the students of today become the masters of tomorrow. Everyone starts somewhere, so have patience with where you are and enjoy the journey.
Usually I start the weekly update covering the core team. However, since this is ErgoHACK week I would like to highlight community developers.
We have some new users Tolstojevski, code_For_Uss that dropped an update on Discord, welcome to the Ergo Family.
It’s my pleasure to start working in this community.
Now I’m working on this issue https://github.com/ergoplatform/scanner/issues/1
I first did a review on Explorer source code to implement the database schema, now I am implementing the initial database to store the data block-by-block.
I’m working my way up developing a nice environment for everything ergo in C#. I have a very basic ergo tree interpreter that can, for now, understand the most basic script, proveDHTuple. For the next step I’d like to be able to calculate the proof for a box with that simple ergo tree. Now, I can do Diffe Hellman just fine, but looking at other transactions with the same method I can’t figure out how to create the proper proof bytes. Reading from the ergo script pdf, A.2 proving states that the proof needs to consist of the challenge of the root node (and I’ve just the one :) ). So I’ve got the raw proof, but how is it encoded in the transaction, is it Schnorr?
The ERGnome team is going to be attending the hackathon. A special thanks to @HazeyOneKenobi
- We had a pivot of personnel on the ERGnome team so I had to work to get the site back up
- We are getting close to an automated sales processor thanks to @HazeyOneKenobi
- My company completed legal/financials on a merger last Friday and announced to the world yesterday so that’s kept me pretty busy
That Android Mobile Wallet is looking pretty good @MrStahlfelge !
I am working on my Android Ergo Wallet app. I think I can show you a first version to try on testnet, and review the code before the weekend
Anon_Real is working with the Yorio dApp Connector. As well as designing a new Dapp!!!?
I hope we get an update on this new dapp at the Hackathon, it seems he is holding out on us, can’t wait for that news to drop.
On my side:
- found some issues with the dapp connector and reported them. Waiting for https://github.com/Emurgo/yoroi-frontend/issues/2160 to be solved to proceed.
- some progress on the design of my new dapp. Hopefully, implementation will begin soon.
- writing a tutorial on a pretty advanced use of dapp connector for the hackathon devs — it is also partly stuck because of the above issue.
Second order of Business is ErgoDex, the team is staying busy in preparation to push this this month. It is a complex beast and the team is doing a hell of a good job getting things together, tested, and prepped for rollout.
1. Working on dapp-connector integration with @DeadIT
2. Polishing DEX contracts with @scalahub
3. Improving Explorer, DEX bots
- Mostly been working on ergodex contracts testing/review
- trying to hunt one more frontend developer
- working on ergodex
Third order of business. Tesseract is working Ledger support: It’s a process, this is one of those critical pieces of infrastructure that must be done right. The Tesseract team has been putting together specifications for the transport protocol, and have began implementing their blueprints.
- finalized the specifications of the App/Ledger transport protocol
- started the protocol implementation
Greenhat has been setting some bounties for Sigma-Rust. As well as staying busy with the following.
Shimuuar fixed MINER_PUBKEY IR node type #291 and removed Peekable trait #284.
@jerrybest made his first contributions:
- Add bitwise binary operators for ergotree (&|^) #290;
- Make BigInt operations check for 256-bit overflow and change numeric negation on all types to give an error on overflow #294;
I cleaned up issues and prepared more good-first issues with implementation instructions and bounty attached
Besides that I added support for explorer v1 format for votes in the block header #281 and updated sigma protocol to use BoundedVec with type-level size guarantees for sigma conjuctures items #302.
Next for me:
- release v0.14.0;
- add DHT support in sigma protocols
Mhs_sam and team is testing Gravity and working on Stratum Server to support new pools. He received good feedback from the Gravity team regarding the Gravity Core PR. I can’t say this is surprising, this is a team of solid devs.
On gravity:
- the IP/LU port contract is done
- the only remaining part is extractor which will be done in less than a week
- extractor could be done by now. but we proposed an improvement to Gravity and are waiting for their comments. this improvement will reduce the complexity of adding other chains’ extractors in the future
- fixed a few issues in ergo-gravity core
- deploying testbed and testing ergo to ergo transfers; this way we deploy two ergo testnets and send tokens from ergo1 to ergo2 and vice versa to ensure the integrity of IB/LU ports
This week we received good feedback from the gravity team regarding the gravity core PR.
On stratum:
- support for new pools and big miners
Morphic has been staying busy as well as helping prep some materials for Ergohack. It is appreciated buddy, the community appreciates your support.
Appkit (https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo-appkit/pull/83)
- Updated REST client proxy classes to Ergo Node v4.0.12
- migrated to Explorer API v1 (added many integration tests)
- reported one bug to explorer-backend
Sigma (https://github.com/ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter/pull/727)
- refreshed ErgoScript Reference
Appkit for Android (https://github.com/aslesarenko/ergo-android/pull/1)
- Repair build and get it to work with appkit 4.0.4 (contributed by @MrStahlfelge)
Ergonaut Handbook
- added missing references and clarified Appkit description
Next up:
- write more docs for ergohack.
- resume working towards v5.0
Last but never least Kushti. Aside from the 100 things he did with exchanges, commercial partners, the Ergo Foundation, different Ergo teams and the community, this is what he reported.
His report is always a little underweight compared to the actual work he puts in.
On my side:
* 4.0.12 released https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/releases/tag/v4.0.12
* assembling 4.0.13 https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1383
* checking and doing small improvements and refactoring in P2P layer
* blockchain scanner toy prototype with ErgoFund campaign and pledge scans https://github.com/ergoplatform/scanner
* testnet working good now
* reviewing PRs etc
* attaching bounties to help-wanted issues in repos, including the node