What’s Going on Behind the Screens: Ergo Weekly Dev Update May 26th

4 min readMay 27, 2021


The Ergo weekly Dev update is not the sexiest crypto blog. Although all things being equal its a solid choice.

Focusing on the moon is great, but the truth is a rocket takes an incredible amount of engineering.

Designing and building systems that are subject to immense pressure is not an easy task.

It is always the brains in the background that actually get things done. This what the Ergo team is about, building solid tech.

Ergo Devs, you are awesome. Keep up the good work.

Ilya is working on the ErgoDex. The Dex team has been staying busy after posting a goal for the launch date. Governance tokens may or may not be needed. The Dex team is working on launching a Beta version of the Dex without any governance tokens. In my opinion this is the way forward. Test both and see what would be the best option moving forward.

Beyond the Ergo side of the Dex the team seems to be diving into the Plutus Haskell software developers kit.

1. JS ErgoDEX SDK for AMM (https://github.com/ergolabs/ergo-dex-sdk-js/tree/v0.1.0)

2. JS Ergo SDK (Will be moved to a separate lib later) (https://github.com/ergolabs/ergo-dex-sdk-js/tree/v0.1.0/src/ergo)

3. Yoroi dapp-connector update (https://github.com/Emurgo/yoroi-frontend/pull/2103)

4. CFMM pool simulation in Scala (https://github.com/ergolabs/ergo-dex/tree/master/src/test/scala/io/ergodex/core/cfmm)

5. Plutus Haskell SDK research

DeadIT has been working on websites as well as staying busy with ErgoDex. He also has been helping the community on social channels.

On my side:

- reviewed sigmausd prs and added drop down with language selector

- updated mining page at the website

- updated faq page at the website (ty for @Glasgow)

- and working on ergodex stuff most time

Morphic is continuing the grind towards Node V.5. I am looking forward to the performance analysis reports. He has also released an update to the Appkit.

1) Appkit 4.0.4 released (https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo-appkit/releases/tag/v4.0.4)

2) Finished part 1 of v5.0 vs. v4.0 performance analysis report which is generated from Jupyter notebook. (https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/blob/14ab9a72285e5b7dd24147c33a7e01a8ff5eb1c1/metrics/Report.md)

3) Did some PR reviews.

Next up:

- finish v5.0 performance report (with analysis of how cost estimation)

- describe new JIT costing algorithm specification in EIP-8


Release Release v4.0.4 (with Sigma v4.0.3 and ergo-wallet v4.0.11) …

In this release:

Allow transactions with user-defined fee output (#78)

Kushti is always a busy guy, he is a basically professional juggler. He dropped some updates on the Hackathon but they deserve their own article. He is working on NiPoPoWs lately, some speculate this will be a part of ergo.meta, let’s see when documentation is released.

* 4.0.11 released

* NiPoPoWs branch finished: https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1352

* Next steps are planned: boostrapping with NiPoPoWs : https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/issues/1365, bootstrapping with UTXO set snapshot https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/issues/1366

* new stablecoin design: https://www.ergoforum.org/t/dexy-usd-simplest-stablecoin-design/1430

* reviewed EIP-16 and EIP-17

* reviewing https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1355 and looking around P2P code.

* testnet relaunched

With nipopows API now we can do ultra-light clients, even for very loosely connected areas

see e.g.


So a user need to get lightweight client first with no blockchain, and genesis block id

and then proofs can be carried via an ordinary mail / ADSL / fax / email / satellite etc

Greenhat is working on the Ergo tree as well as WASM, from everything I have seen Greenhat has some serious Rust skills. Huge asset to the Ergo Dev team, it’s appreciated.

Pushed two releases with:

- add ErgoTree::template_bytes [#274];

- encode/decode UnsignedTransaction without id and using ErgoBoxCandidate for outputs instead of ErgoBox [#275];

- add Transaction::outputs() returning ErgoBoxes [#267];

- rename Transaction::outputs() and UnsignedTransaction::outputs() to output_candidates() in WASM (both return ErgoBoxCandidates) [#267]

- fix input box lookup on tx signing[#268]

- setup snapshot version publishing on npm on green CI;


- fix VLQ encoder error and extend test suite to be on par with scala version;

I owe MHS_Sam and his team a thank you. I ran into some technical issues with a mining pool that is integrating Ergo. They showed up and basically handled everything. It’s a real asset to have a team that can jump into a situation and get things in order, I was impressed. Thanks for having my back guys.

On gravity:

- gravity core integration is under review by Gravity

- some issues in integration are resolved

- LU port contract will be finished tomorrow

- IB port contract will be finished by next Wed

On stratum:

- still working with 3 mining pools to integrate Ergo

I am training 4 new devs which their training will be finished in the next week. It took some time but in the future that will help to accelerate development tasks

Scalahub has been working on sidechains.

He also dropped the first release of JSON dApp Environment (JDE), a tool for interacting with the Ergo blockchain.

Interacting with such smart contracts requires a developer to write code in a language such as Scala or Rust . JSON dApp Environment (JDE) is another programming tool that can be used to interact with Ergo dApps. Still experimental, but exciting nonetheless.

My side:

- reviewed EIP 14 and 17

- WIP sidechains

- Released v1.0 JDE (announcement thread on forum https://www.ergoforum.org/t/json-dapp-environment-jde-first-release/1373)

Anon2020s pushed a mixer update and is still working on the roadmap for mixer tokenization. This is a development I am following, big fan of the Ergo Mixer. The ability to Mint/Redeem SigUSD and SigRSV through the mixer is a feature many are looking forward to.

my updates:

- released v3.3.4 and then v3.3.5 of mixer, in order to fix one UI and one db bug (both minor issues)

- working on contracts and roadmap, sorry if it took more time than expected

- Auto Mint/Redeem almost finished and will be added in the next release

Word on the street is c8e4d2a is assisting Anon_Real with some auction house UI stuff. All artists in the community owe c8e4d2a a big thanks for everything that is coming from his work.



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