## Developer Updates
The Ergo weekly Dev update is not the sexiest crypto blog. Although all things equal, it is a solid choice.
Focusing on the moon is great, but the truth is a rocket takes an incredible amount of engineering.
Designing and building systems that are subject to immense pressure is not an easy task. It is always the brains in the background that get things done. This is what the Ergo team is about, building solid tech.
Open-source software developers are unappreciated heroes who endure an underappreciated grind.
This week we finished and will be submitting the paperwork for incorporation, the review will take a bit, but the documentation is a hurdle that is now behind us.
This gives the Ergo Foundation a unique opportunity to restructure, rebrand, refocus, and refine the Ergo Vision. I am excited to help in this new phase of growth. We already have a few things in motion, one of which was the new community driven logo. As we plan and implement changes we want to keep the community a part of the process. There is a lot we can do together to help drive the education and adoption of Ergo.
Abchris is the creator of https://ergo.watch those of you that have not checked this community analytics site may want to bookmark it. It sounds like some updates and additional features are on the way.
### abchris
> Finished adding some on-chain metrics to [Ergo Watch](https://ergo.watch) backend. It now tracks:
> — number of unspent boxes
> — number of addresses by minimum balance
> — supply in top x addresses
> — supply in known CEX addresses
> — transfer volume
> — mean supply age
> Still need to work on the UI to actually show the stuff.
Leif Erickson is still diving into the Ergo codebase. Can’t wait to see what he puts together.
### Leif Erickson
> Hello, all! For sign/verify arbitrary message feature, I’m working on deriving SigmaBoolean from API call that uses a public key (in tree form, if that is the right way to say this). I’m mostly still getting familiar with the codebase .. If I don’t get interrupted as much this week, I hope to have something working soon!?
Luivatra is working on community tipbot’s, the goal is to integrate the tipbot on Discord and on Reddit. I hope that leads to more community driven content and community driven rewards. Ergo is proof of work. Personally I am happy to reward quality work when and where I see it.
### Luivatra
> I created a tipbot backend using AppKit and am testing a Discord bot that uses it. Supports selected set of tokens (eg. SigUSD) If all goes well will deploy during the weekend and while fixing bugs in the discord bot start on the reddit bot.
Morphic is still on the march towards v5.0. JIT costing should provide some significant improvements, it appears testing is in the works. Can’t wait to see the results.
### morphic
> Sigma:
> — next PR towards v5.0 is merged [pull/734](https://github.com/ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter/pull/734)
> — addressed review comments on the last incremental PR towards v5.0 ([pull/738](https://github.com/ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter/pull/738))
> Next up:
> — implement full test coverage of new JIT costing (towards v5.0)
Anon_br is juggling two pretty important tasks for the Ergo Community. The first is updating and improving Yoroi wallet. He is working with Emurgo to get an updated Dapp connector into Yoroi that will allow the “standard” version to support ErgoDex. Once completed the current version of Yoroi Nightly will be obsolete.
This testing was a part of the ErgoDex Beta process. It allowed the ErgoDex team to stress test and improve the dex. It also allowed Yoroi to improve and prepare for the implementation of dapps and smart contracts. The result will be a better product on both sides.
We also are seeing continual testing with Ledger.
### anon_br
> This week I’ve focused mostly on Yoroi itself and dApp Connector. On Yoroi
> — updated to latest stable version of sigma-rust on Yoroi and dApp Connector
> — fixed word sorting issue on wallet restoring
> — general review and testing on dApp Connector
> — investigating another syncing issue on the back-end (just a few users affected)
> — investigating a transaction sending issue reported by u/anon_real
> — supporting users around On Ledger js binding library
> — added input validations
> — added auth token support
Kushti released a new version of the reference client again…
He is firing out updates almost weekly. I honestly don’t know how he does it. It appears 4.0.17 is already in his sights.
He is working on improving the bootstrapping process. This will allow users to run full nodes with much faster sync times.
There is an ongoing question and investigation into how to best implement a LETS at the lowest tx cost to the end users. The ability to exchange LETS tokens with minimal overhead is a key to the adoption and real world utility of this framework. It seems at this point it may come down to running it on a L2 solution, or as a sidechain. Luckily Ergo has the tooling to make either way a possibility with some work. We may end up prototyping and testing LETS contracts both ways, and see the advantages/disadvantages to both.
### kushti
> — [pull/1449](https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1449) finished and merged into 4.0.16
> — [pull/1488](https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1488) bugfix for a couple of bugs introduced in wallet refactoring, merged into 4.0.16
> — [/pull/1474](https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1474) is finalized I suppose, with 11 PRs, 5 bugfixes, peers persistence, new sync protocol, a lot of performance improvements and refactoring. Likely highest number of contributors also (7!)
> — headers application improvs extracted into a separate PR [pull/1483](https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1483), will do comments and target towards 4.0.17
> — working on [pull/1444(https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/pull/1444)now, likely will take 3–4 weeks (as a lot of refactoring, rework of AVL+ tree slicing etc will be needed it seems)
> — small contributions to ErgoTree interpreter [pull/743](https://github.com/ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter/pull/743) and [pull/745](https://github.com/ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter/pull/745) (both merged into develop)
> — reviewed code around different repos, made by `@morphic` , `@code_For_Uss` , `@Leif Erickson` , `@Apextheory` , `@scalahub`
> — LETS contracts on pause, checking different L2 solutions for running contracts on top of, as it seems fees can be serious issue there. However, we can do a prototype with on-chain contracts
> — manually testing 4.0.16 nodes
> `@knizhnik` made peers persistence (finally the node has it!) and working on [ergo/issues/1482](https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo/issues/1482)
Code_For_Uss is working on ErgoFund.
### code_For_Uss
> — Write RestApi doc for scanner
> — Minor changes have been made to the campaign contract to add a proposal URL with the help of IPFS
> — I am completing the EIP for ErgoFund
New DEV! Welcome Haileypdll. It looks like we may have a coinflip game in the works.
### haileypdll
> Hello, I’m currently trying to implement a small flip coin game with nodejs and using Yoroi dApp connector. I’m planning to use compiled contracts to avoid any scala backend.
Anon2020s is working on the Profit Sharing aspect of the mixer. As soon as this is complete the dApp will have a token sale. An updated version of the mixer with additional features seems to be in the works.
### anon2020s
> I worked on developing the Profit Sharing for the mixer. As soon as having a stable implementation mixer’s token sale will be started. meanwhile, I’m going to release a new version of mixer with more stable database and some added features.
Apextheory is working on Batch Merkle Proofs.
### Apextheory
> This week I continued working on Batch Merkle Proofs. I resolved some bugs and now have a working implementation that creates the expected proof. Now it’s just a matter of cleaning up the branch and adding more complete unit tests.
MrStahlfelge is still in the process of implementing a version of his Ergo Wallet on iOS. It looks like he is working on optimizing his workflow so that changes in the future will show up in both environments. Smart man, but we already knew that. I am sure once we get into the Ui the community would love to see some pictures on what is coming.
### MrStahlfelge
> On my side, still working with all hands on the iOS wallet port. The database layer of the Android app is now working on iOS, as well as the background service fetching wallet balances and fiat value. I was able to move a lot of code to a layer that is shared so that every change will affect both apps. Unfortunately, nothing to show because this was all background work, hope to be able to work more on the UI layer again this week
Scalahub is working on implementing Dexy. Those of you that may be unfamiliar, Dexy is the native Ergo stablecoin design that has been discussed periodically on the ErgoForum as well as internally. The goal is to create a simple stablecoin design that engages trades and encourages arbitrage to maintain a peg.
### scalahub
> — Dexy USD stablecoin design and implementation
> — Reviewed EIP-22 from anon_real
The Sigma-rust team is all over the place C, Swift/iOS bindings, ContentExtension support, distributed signatures support and more. Lots of improvements are on the way.
### greenhat
> u/TimL removed/documented all forced unwraps in ergo-lib #467 reducing the number of places where sigma-rust could crash in runtime. He also started working on C and Swift/iOS bindings #468. u/soysor is wrapping up with ContextExtension support #458. u/sandz is working on distributed signatures support #469. u/venoox is working on non-empty BoxSelection #471. I’m plowing through AtLeast implementation in sigma protocol #377.
DeatIT is continuing the work of keeping the frontends in the system polished, from the website to the note interface.
### DeadIT
> — reviewed/merged CSS styles for “getting started” button at landing and BPSAA logotype at the footer
> — reviewed/merged es translations for blog/news Ergo-node-interface:
> — added error message in case of wallet sync error https://github.com/ergoplatform/ergo-node-interface/issues/34 will be on 4.0.16 too. Deployed @Glasgow http://docs.ergoplatform.org/ and waiting ssl certificate now. Some of issues in progress and I will say them on next update.
MHS and team are in the process of developing the Profit Sharing contract. The first bridge to the Waves network is done, and we are waiting for testing. There is ongoing review and research into wormhole, federated, trustless, and multisig bridge designs. As the ErgoDex rolls out, the Ergo Mixer Rolls out, things are getting serious about bridging into other networks. The native Ergo ecosystem offers some unique tools for other ecosystems. It will be exciting to see the introduction of ERG as a nonnative asset across multiple Dexes on other chains.
### mhs_sam
> — profit-sharing contract is under development, with u/anon2020s
> — Waves bridge is done, waiting for gravity team to provide testbet; will be done very soon.
> — wormhole reviews are ongoing; wormhole is a newer version of Gravity core for ETH, etc… bridges. Migrating from Gravity to wormhole would be easy
> — Raffle UI is coming!
> — new pools are joining, we did some supports.
Ilya is continuously building tooling for both implementations of ErgoDex. The software development toolkit got some improvements this week. The Cardano transaction assembly framework is being worked on lately.
Ilya also updated the ErgoExplorer.
> 1. Tokens API in ErgoExplorer (https://github.com/ergoplatform/explorer-backend/pull/159)
> 2. Ergo SDK JS extended (https://github.com/ergolabs/ergo-sdk-js/pull/4)
> 3. Working on [Cardano transaction assembly framework](https://github.com/ergolabs/cardano-dex-sdk-haskell/pull/16/files)
LADO is now on twitter. @ ErgoTutorials. Please give him some love! Like Retweet Follow the works.
This week he launched our first tutorial in Brazilian Portuguese. I hear there is some additional Portuguese content that will be coming in the form of a Coinex AMA soon as well. We also have a Mining Server in Brazil that Enigma Pool is hosting.
Also please check out the latest audio/video version of the Ergo Manifesto.
> — Video Withdraw ERG from Gate.io https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgDqS5NMUVM
> — Added the first tutorial in Brazilian Portuguese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMIBTK4kQx4
> — Video of a reading of the Ergo Manifesto to listen to in any situation (the idea is to also add a .mp3 so that it can be downloaded) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0OjciLNu7CM
Quokka is putting together a Ergosaurs website that will integrate the Auction House backend. It looks like Auctionhouse will have a dark mode as well in the future. With those little Quokka hands idk how you do it, but great job!
### Quokka
> I’m currently implementing Ergo Auctions backend into the Ergosaurs website, this means users can bid on Ergosaurs both on the ergo Auction house and Ergosaurs.io
> — which allows for a lot of fun customized visual implementations.
> Will also add Dark Mode to Ergo Auction House v2 once that is released
Anon_Real is putting a lot of love into AuctionHouse V2. No exact ETA yet but I know a lot of people are excited and waiting to see the new version.
### anon_real
> Sry for not being on time. I am getting some feedback from a few artists and testers. I’ve been improving AH based on their feedback. `@Zimulakra` `@Foeniculum` ERGnomes `@Quokka` thanks for testing. Please let me know any other feedback you may have by the end of this week so I can plan the release. Thanks again!